December 11, 2024

Why is Ignoring a Missing Tooth a Bad Idea?

Although losing a tooth might be upsetting, there are more significant consequences. Neglecting a lost tooth might result in major dental and medical issues. Here are several reasons for not disregarding a lost tooth. Contact a family dentist in Shelby Township, MI, to get help for your oral problems.

Losing teeth and gum diseases.

If a tooth is lost, a void between your teeth allows germs, tartar, and plaque to enter your gum tissue. You are more likely to get gum disease as a result.

Once gum disease takes hold, your risk of developing significant illnesses, including stroke and heart attack, also increases.

You can lose more teeth as a consequence.

A lost tooth might not appear to be a big deal right away, but how do you feel if you are losing two, three, or maybe even four teeth? When there is a gap in your teeth due to a missing tooth, one lost tooth may not appear to be a major deal right now. That could happen if you do not handle the first lost tooth properly.

To maintain their proper alignment, your teeth support one another. When a tooth is lost, the teeth on each side of the gap lose the support they require. They frequently move into the opening. These teeth’ roots eventually creep into the available space beneath the gum line.

When this occurs, the integrity and structure of these teeth that move are damaged, putting your oral health in danger. When you lose them, the teeth that come after them could experience the same problem.

Your initially straight teeth start to bend.

Your teeth hold each other firmly in place, as we discussed above, but when one is missing, the other teeth find it difficult to maintain their position. Upright teeth can become crooked as they change over time.

Decreased bone mass.

For strong bones and teeth, stimulation is necessary. The action of your teeth cutting and munching stimulates your jawbone. Your jawbone stops repairing and developing without this stimulation.

Where a tooth is gone, your jawbone starts to lose mass and eventually weakens. You might even notice that your facial structure is altering.

Chewing becomes uncomfortable and challenging.

Eating may be challenging if you have a missing tooth. To ensure your meal is prepared for ingesting, you must chew it for longer, and as your teeth move out of alignment, you may feel pain.

You could unintentionally change your jaw motion to deal with the pressure imbalance due to this misalignment. This may result in TMJ problems, headaches, and even a painful jaw.

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