Why Should Denture Wearers Get All on Four Dental Implants?

How do you feel about your dentures? The traditional way of replacing lost teeth is using dentures. But they certainly have disadvantages as well. Consider all-on-four dental implants if you are unhappy with your dentures or if there are parts of them that you would like to modify. An entire arch of teeth supported by just four posts is known as an “all-on-four implant.” Patients who need complete tooth replacements and those who have lost bone density should consider contacting Winnipeg dental implants. Here are a few reasons why people who wear dentures should consider getting all-on-four dental implants.
Why should denture wearers get All on Four dental implants?
After receiving dentures, you will definitely notice a major change in your eating patterns and nutrition. With dentures, it can be difficult to chew food fully, and some tough or chewy foods are typically needed to avoid entirely since they will damage your dentures.
- Get your bite force back.
Because dentures are not fixed in your jawbone like natural teeth are, they prevent you from biting down as hard. However, a titanium post used in dental implants replaces the tooth root. All-on-four implants are secured to your jaw, allowing you to bite with far more force than you can with dentures. By doing this, you may again include all your favorite foods in your diet.
- Avoid embarrassment
Have you ever noticed how your dentures slide around in your mouth when you are smiling, talking, or sharing food with friends? Although tooth loss is nothing to be ashamed of, it can be difficult to avoid feeling embarrassed when your teeth visibly shift inside your mouth.
At last, your dental implants’ titanium posts will come to help you. With confidence, flash a smile, speak without hiding your lips, and eat anything you want without pausing to straighten your teeth. Your all-on-four dental implants will maintain their position, alleviating the anxiety that your teeth could shift.
- Get a permanent solution.
Although each patient’s routine for replacement or repair varies, it is a given that you will eventually have to do either. Dropping your slippery dentures while cleaning them is common. Even if you are able to prevent this sort of damage, the dentures will eventually wear out and require replacement or relining. Additionally, without the stimulation that your tooth roots provide for your jawbone, your face will change shape, and your dentures will no longer fit correctly, requiring adjustment.